October 23, 2011

Episode #12 (Spoken Word, Found Sound, and Field Recordings for Halloween)

The Folktellers (Connie Regan & Barbara Freeman) "Mary Culhane and the Dead Man" (Connie)
"Old Woman All Skin and Bones" (Connie & Barbara)
"Mr. Fox" (Connie)
"The Ghoul" (Connie & Barbara)
Alvin Schwartz "In a Dark, Dark Room and Other Scary Stories"
Vincent Price "Secrets of Witchcraft and Magic (excerpt)"
Louise Huebner and Louis & Bebe Barron "Seduction Through Witchcraft: Introduction - Gods"
Freya Aswynn "Shades of Yggdrasil: Havamal"
Aleister Crowley "Collects From the Gnostic Mass"
Anton LaVey "The Satanic Mass (excerpt)"
American Trinity Broadcasting Network "Sounds From Hell" (This is a hoax)
Elizabeth Claire Prophet "Dedication to the Tackling of the Beast and the Dragon - The Momentum of Rock and Roll" / "Call for Protection"
Joe Gooch "Song for Anneliese Michel"
Okkulte Stimmen - Mediale Musik: Recordings of Unseen Intelligences 1905-2007 "Exorcism carried out on Anneliese Michel, Germany 1976" (This is not a hoax and is a very sad story) / "Possessed Children II, February 1978" (The Enfield Poltergeist)
Raymond Cass "Introduction to Electronic Voice Phenomena" / "Prophetic Voice" / "Carefully with Nerve Gas" / "Alien Voices" / "Dead Machines" / "Cosmic Race"
The Conet Project "Faders" / "Pozor" / "The Swedish Rhapsody"
Konstantin Raudive presents EVP "Part #1"